Row and Release Methodology

Pain is your power, but you must walk through it first.

Life is a dance that teaches us the importance of both resilience and surrender. So often we are taught from a young age to “sit up in the boat and row” and to achieve at any cost. This resilience creates success and helps us get from point A to point B. However, this push for strength at all costs has a way of costing us dearly. When you look at how we are systemically raised to abandon our authentic selves, our feelings of numbness or desensitization become a normalized reaction to a society that has taught us to dim our light.

What if we could make a conscious choice to lay down our armor and allow ourselves to break, to fully surrender? To be fully seen? What if we took full responsibility for everything that has appeared in our lives, looking at our biggest failures and heartbreaks as our greatest teachers. Imagine if we lived by the motto “fail fast and fail forward.” Dropping the idea that we’re somehow victims would allow us to see that our messes were actually gifts all along.

Row and Release is both a philosophy and a community where individuals are encouraged to express their emotions, expose their shadows, and be embraced for how beautifully flawed and perfectly human we all are.

Happiness is a moment by moment choice and we must choose whether to become bitter or to become better. Are you ready to join us in the greatest adventure of your life? Then let’s start rediscovering your true essence!

5 Step Row and Release Method

1) Take Inventory

You will begin by filling out a questionnaire that gives us an overall picture of where you stand in each individual life category. It will also cover what your goals are and where you would like to focus your areas of coaching. Lastly, we will discuss past personal growth work and tools that you have used that you have found helpful.

2) Get Curious.

Our work begins by going over your inventory and devising a list of significant questions that can alter your entire reality. We then use a variety of tools such as the Enneagram to uncover your key motivations and ways to unlock your full potential.

3) Practice Bravery.

We take your new found knowledge and apply it to the real world through experiential learning. We practice this through active self-reflection, traveling, and/or plant medicine.

It takes a lot of guts to knowingly explore yourself and to ask the hard questions. However, bravery is the path to self-love and trusting yourself fully.

4) Renegotiate Contracts

Now that you have braved the wild, it is time to take a new inventory of your life. Just like you enter into contracts in real life (mortgage, job, car), you also enter into invisible ones as well (relationships, self-image, money, etc).

We will help you decipher which invisible contracts are holding you back and which ones you need to renegotiate.

5) Be in Gratitude.

The work is complete once you can look at how far you have come and see that your biggest trials were actually your greatest gifts all along. We will help you recognize that your greatest failures and heartbreak were there to help you transcend into your greatest power and potential and will help you implement a daily gratitude ritual to stay mindful of this moving forward.