Row and Release Ministry

Be the Hero of Your Own Journey

You’ve just arrived at the beginning of a very powerful journey. Through utilizing the sacred tools of the Enneagram and plant medicines, I look forward to walking alongside you on your path to healing and spiritual transformation.

What you may be seeking…

1) You desire a deeper and more meaningful life, one where you are living more in alignment with your soul’s desire and purpose.

2) You are a mission-driven individual who often finds yourself caught in the cycle of perfectionism, overgiving, burnout, and neglecting your well-being. You yearn for more balance, recognition, and connection to yourself.

3) You feel isolated and lonely in your relationships. You may suffer from codependency or people-pleasing cycles and you desire to step more into self-love and self-respect.

4) You are feeling stuck and might even be in a dark night of the soul, where nothing seems to make any sense and you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. You are looking for answers and a pathway towards freedom.

5) You are curious about living a more spiritually connected life. You would like to connect deeper with your ancestors, Mother Earth, and something greater than yourself.

This list is not exhaustive. Please schedule a consultation to discuss your journey with me.

Your Hero/Heroines Journey

Step 1. Enneagram

You will begin this journey by taking an Enneagram assessment, which provides you with a roadmap and gives us deep insights into your core driving motivations, behaviors, and how you are internally organized.

Step 2. Sacred Medicine

We will then co-create a beautiful ceremonial container together where you may work with the medicine to gain a deeper understanding and connection with yourself, leading to personal and spiritual evolution.

Step 3. Integration

Integration is the bridge to making real lasting change after you have sat in ceremony. It holds immense power in helping to assimilate these vast experiences and helps integrate the sacred into your daily life.

Individual Coaching Offerings

  • Enneagram

    This archetypal roadmap explores nine interconnected personality types, each uncovering the core motivations, fears, desires, and defense mechanisms that drive individuals.

  • Microdosing

    This one-month microdosing package is perfect for beginners who are interested in the healing powers of plant medicine. It’s also a great way to deepen integration.

  • Integration

    Work with a trained professional who can help you integrate your mystical experiences into your everyday life and help keep you on track!

Meet Makenzie Darling


Join one of my transformational workshops spanning topics around the Enneagram, Composting Pain Into Power, Living with More Meaning and Purpose, Microdosing, transformational travel, and more!

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